Like Tiny Shards of Gold



It’s been awhile. And to be honest, I didn't know what to write; sometimes it’s hard to offer encouragement.


It won’t come as a surprise to you that people in this world are hurting, suffering, grieving, fighting, and trying their best to make it through another day. It seems like every week I read something on social media, or hear something in conversations with friends that reconfirms my need to encourage and support, while also leaving me at a loss for words.


This platform was originally designed to provide news about the shop and to send occasional sale information. Little did I know that it would quickly become a branch into this community - maybe even a root. I frequently have conversations in the shop with customers who share about their wall colors and their worries, their pillow preferences and their imperfections, their room layouts and their rough weeks. I've come to realize that even though I care about the design of your home, I care even more about you and what you're walking through.


You see, I can help with creating unique spaces in your house, but the significant work I do lies in walking with you as you cultivate your life.





Recently, a friend shared with me that she is struggling to sift through the chaos in the world and everything in her life to pinpoint where her focus should be. It’s resulted in her asking a ton of questions:


Should I be doing more to help people globally?

Should I be doing more for my friends and family?

Should I volunteer more?

Should I be learning and reading more?

Should I be moving my body more?

Should I know more about politics, or cooking, or my kid’s education, or natural living, or have more hobbies?

Should I be enjoying little luxuries even though so many people are suffering?



I understand where her head and heart are at. Based on everything going on in the world and in our own lives, how are we supposed to make an impact? There are moments when I doubt my ability to offer encouragement to others, especially when I have difficulty offering it to myself.


It's overwhelming when we realize that we can’t mend or know everything isn’t it?


If you’re standing where I am, I'd like to offer something to you:


It’s a reminder to breathe - to take a step back, and consider the following realities:


You can’t do everything.

You can’t fix the way people respond.

You can’t take away hurt faster or rush the grieving process - for yourself or others.

You can’t change the world, but you can make an impact, even on the smallest scale.

You can read, learn, and expand your knowledge but you can’t and won’t know everything.


If this has been a year where you’ve walked with pain in your heart more than comfort or ease, just know that it’s okay if you’re still walking through it.


Even when your lists are long, your heart is heavy, and you don’t have the answers you desperately want, you are still a valuable part of the world around you.


Simple moments are largely underrated and we can change the spaces around us simply by showing up in them. There is nothing more sacred, or profound than this day.


You're a significant tool, don’t let chaos or confusion convince you otherwise.






“I don't want to wait anymore. I choose to believe that there is nothing more sacred or profound than this day. I choose to believe that there may be a thousand big moments embedded in this day, waiting to be discovered like tiny shards of gold. The big moments are the daily, tiny moments of courage and forgiveness and hope that we grab onto and extend to one another. That's the drama of life, swirling all around us, and generally I don't see it, because I'm too busy waiting to become whatever it is I think I'm about to become. The big moments are in every hour, every conversation, every meal, every meeting.” ***





*** Shauna Niequist (quote)

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