If you have a sectional or L-shaped couch, one of your options is a rectangular coffee table. The main issue here is the size. You have to make sure that the length of the coffee table does not go past the edge of your couch - otherwise you risk creating an unbalanced look.
Unlike with a standard couch, using a single square coffee table works well with sectionals and L-shaped couches. You don't need to worry about creating balance with two tables because the couch shape makes up for any extra space.
For those of you who prefer round coffee tables, they are the perfect choice if you have a sectional or L-shaped couch. Not only are they visually softer, they're also perfect if you have smaller kids because they don't have any pointed edges.
If you're wanting a coffee table that is versatile, especially if you change your seating overtime, stick with a round shape.
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